Within the framework of the OBCD – Local Ecosystem Program, CCIB met Mrs. Sonsoles Jimenez, founder of the XANO CHANNEL, a non-profit association of teachers, inspectors of education and professionals, created in 2010 that aims to promote active citizenship, personal and professional growth, employment, non-formal education and the use of ICT among organizations and people. The activities and objectives of the organization are inspired by the principles of equal opportunities for disadvantaged people and between men and women.

Our partner CCIB asked her some questions about the local Ecosystem and how it can support working in a collaborative way, creating synergy and exchanging expertise and methodologies with local and international organizations, in order to maximize the impact of the activities we carry out.


CCIB: Why did you join the ecosystem? What is the added value for your organisation to be involved?

SJ: We decided to join the Spanish ecosystem to promote equal opportunities and inclusivity, aligning with its principles of creating synergy and exchanging expertise with local organizations to maximise the impact.


CCIB: What are the main takeaways from these meetings?

SJ: Raising awareness of the relationship between social and economic benefits.


CCIB: How can the OBCD ecosystems contribute to making the social economy mainstream and support social enterprises in the project countries (and beyond) in their mission, according to you?

SJ: The OBCD ecosystem can contribute to facilitating cross-country knowledge sharing, providing an interactive platform, and developing toolkits that empower social enterprises and promote the mainstream adoption of the social economy.


CCIB: How can the OBCD project support you?

SJ: It can support the VET association by involving educational institutions in combating social issues through sharing best practices within the ecosystem. Students can learn and increase their skills from different fields of application.


CCIB: What do you look forward to?

SJ: We are looking forward to a system that promotes a space for open discussion, sharing of ideas, and innovation to enable youngsters to improve their knowledge and equip them with strong competencies related to new social issues.