In recent years, diverse ecosystems for social enterprises have begun to develop in Finland, with national strategies and EU social economy plans driving this development. This progress is driven by national strategies, as well as the EU’s social economy plans. Currently, in addition to the OBCD ecosystem, several networks are operating or being launched in Finland, including the WISE network, RENET, and regional networks by YYO, the Center of Expertise for Social Enterprises. 

The WISE network focuses on work-integration social enterprises that promote employment by providing job opportunities for people facing challenges in entering the traditional labor market. RENET is the network for SE’s operating in recycling sector and connects actors who are dedicated to fostering the circular economy and sustainable development. YYO’s regional networks support social enterprises at a local level throughout Finland, offering region-specific resources and expertise. 

Sandra Englund leads local and regional support at YYO and summarizes about the functioning ecosystems based on the first year’s experience: “In our work, we have observed that ecosystems operating in different areas have developed very differently, and their functionality is influenced by many factors. However, our conclusion is that the key elements in well-functioning ecosystems are a shared sense of purpose, trust, and regular, effective communication.” 

The ecosystems rely on active and broad, cross-sector participation. Public sector actors, educational institutions, businesses and representatives of the local and community economy all play crucial roles in co-development, each bringing unique perspectives and expertise to the ecosystem. Through collaboration, they aim to support the growth of social enterprises on both regional and national levels. 

This approach to ecosystem building is guiding Finland toward a more socially and environmentally sustainable economy, where a variety of stakeholders collaborate to create meaningful, lasting impact. It’s inspiring to witness organizations across the country coming together with a common goal: to build a better, more sustainable future.