

EPLI – ENTE PROLOCO ITALIANE Via delle Milizie 2 Roma 00192 Rome, Italy The Associative Network of the Italian Pro Loco Entities APS ( Ente Proloco Italiane)was formed through the revival and strengthening of the founding principles behind the creation of Pro Loco associations as organizations for the touristic and cultural promotion of local territories. EPLI was established through the collaboration of numerous representatives and operators from the Pro Loco network across Italian regions, who immediately embraced the idea of uniting ideas and the basic principles of the Third Sector Law. This law is fundamentally based on participatory democracy, true civic purposes, solidarity, and social utility.



Consorzio Ruini Impresa Sociale Via Nazionale, 243, 00184 Roma RM The Consorzio Ruini Impresa Sociale is an entity established by the National A.G.C.I. (General Association of Italian Cooperatives), was founded on December 15, 2009. It plays a strategic role in the development and promotion of the AGCI cooperative system in various fields, both nationally and internationally, serving as a facilitator of relationships, ideas, projects, and funding opportunities at different levels, from political and institutional to associative.


Euclid Network

euclid network Saturnusstraat 14, 2516 AH Den Haag, Netherlands Euclid Network is the European network for organisations that support social entrepreneurs and third-sector leaders. Its vision is to see civil society and social enterprise empowered to drive positive change across Europe. EN was founded in 2007 and has a strong track record of networking, peer learning and policy impact in the civil society and SE arenas.

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Silta Valmennus

Silta Valmennus Vehnämyllynkatu 4, 33560 Tampere, Finland Silta is a non-profit association established in 2001 by non-governmental organisations in Tampere. Our main goal is to increase societal equality, individual participation and welfare by coaching hard-to-employ people in improving their ability to work and to function, and to find their place in society.

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Diaconia University of Applied Sciences

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Metsämiehenkatu 2, 28500 Pori, Finlandia DIAK a national-level university of applied sciences. Diak is Finland’s largest provider of university level education in social work and the biggest educator of social care professionals. It gives people the opportunity to make the world a better place and helps them find their calling and place in the world of work. Diak has a well-established place in the Finnish and international HE field. It is the largest higher education provider in the social services sector in Finland with approximately 3.000 students and 250 employees.

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Helsinki Business College

Helsinki Business College Rautatieläisenkatu 5, 00520 Helsinki, Finland Helsinki Business College is the most versatile and the largest provider of secondary vocational education and training in Finland; in Business and Administration, and in Information and Communication Technology. It has about 3000 students, of whom 2000 are day students. BCH also offers both Qualification programs also in English for students with upper secondary certificate and further education for adults.

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CCIB – Cámara de Comercio Italiana Barcelona

CCIB – Cámara de Comercio Italiana Barcelona Carrer de Balmes, 195, 4º, 08006 Barcelona, Spain CCIB is a Spanish no-profit association of industrial and commercial enterprises, professionals and traders who wish to work actively to develop economic relationships in Europe, especially between Italy and Spain. Active for more than 100 years on the territory, The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona is also officially recognized by the Italian Government, as a strategic actor for the support in bilateral cooperation and for the assistance to entrepreneurs in their associate.

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IMPULSA IGUALDAD Av. del Dr. García Tapia, 129, Moratalaz, 28030 Madrid, Spain Impulsa Igualdad is a national, state-approved non-profit organization that runs programmes and promotes initiatives on behalf of the 100,000 people with severe physical disabilities it represents, it represents 5088 professionals, 56770 members, 4960 volunteers. PREDIF actively works on facing with the many obstacles for people with disabilities in terms of access to healthcare, education, employment, recreation activities, as well as in participation in political life, which limit their participation in society on an equal basis with others.


University of Valladolid

University of Valladolid C/Plaza de Santa Cruz, 8, 47002 Valladolid, Spagna The Universidad de Valladolid is one of the most important centers of Higher Education in Spain. It counts on four campuses – Valladolid, Palencia, Segovia and Soria-, over nearly 28,000 students enrol each year, 29 doctoral programs and 68 postgraduate degree, accredited international relations and prestigious research Centers.

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Olympic Training & Consulting

Olympic Training & Consulting Riga Fereou 113, Pirgos 271 00, Grecia Οlympic Training & Consulting Ltd. provides vocational training, lifelong learning, social interventions to vulnerable people, counseling, business advising and similar services since 1995, at national and European level. The company operates nationwide and currently employs 10 persons.

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