We have interviewed Concha Maza of La Cultora member of the Spanish Ecosystem. Read through the highlights of the interview below.


1. Why did you join the Spanish ecosystem? What is the added value for your organisation to be involved?
Our interest in joining OBCD and the Spanish ecosystem is related to the incorporation of social sustainability into different ecosystems in order to create synergies and connections. This kind of project represents an opportunity for a
transversal collaboration.

2. What are the main takeaways from these meetings? 
The main takeaways that came out from the meetings are the need for a sustainable environment for knowledge, competencies, skills and the cooperation between enterprises.

3. How can the OBCD ecosystems contribute to making the social economy mainstream and support social enterprises in the project countries (and beyond) in their mission, according to you?
The ecosystem can contribute to support social enterprises through an exchange of best practices, and to create an environment in which social enterprises to fulfill their mission of addressing social and environmental challenges while generating economic value.

4. How can the OBCD project support you?
One of the OBCD missions highlighted during the meetings is to preserve local culture and heritage through the promotion of the local development plan and the contribution to local communities growth. For us, it is very important to give visibility to the positive impacts that creative and cultural tools have on other fields.

5. What do you look forward to? 
In Cultora, we are looking forward to the possibility of recognizing intermediate figures between the company and foundation models. Also, to increase inclusivity of vulnerable groups,such as women victims of gender based violence, or people with discapacities.